I have supervised several Msc thesis along the years and I am currently supervising 9 students ( 4 expected date 2024, 5 expected date 2025). I am open to supervise research students who wish to write MsC thesis or Phd thesis related with energy, environment or economic history and economic development related topics.
- Miranda, L. (2023) Impacto das energias renováveis no crescimento económico, Master in Economics,School of Economics and Management , University of Porto.
- Valente, N.d.(2023) .,Defining the implementation of a sustainability strategy at Lhoist: An unusual Bottom-up approach, Master in Economics and Environmental Management, School of Economics and Management, University of Porto.
- Silva, JMC (2023) , O papel ativo do consumidor na transição energética. Implementação de sistemas FV como solução para edifícios multifamiliares em Portugal, Master in Environmental Economics and Management, School of Economics and Management, University of Porto.
- Azeitona, P. (2021) , Iron and steel industry: evolution of energy efficiency and CO2 emissions, Mechanical Engineering, Tecnico, University of Lisbon, second supervisor.
- Toth, C. (2018), Identifying the key drivers of CO2 emissions in China 1990 - 2015: An approach using the LMDI approach, Master Programme in Population, Growth and Development, School of Economics and Management, Lund University.
- .Bruinsma, H. (2018) , Assessing the Environmental Impact of Process Automation in German Manufacturing GVCS, Master in Economic Growth and Development, School of Economics and Management, Lund University.
- Westermeier, F (2018) Impacts of shortage in raw materials for electromobility: valuation of automotive stakeholders : Germany and China, Master in International Economics with a focus on China, School of Economics and Management, Lund University.
- Milard D. (2017) Urban energy and environmental policy: the case of Shanghai since the 2000s, Master in International Economics with a focus on China, School of Economics and Management, Lund University.
- Peters,J. (2017) , The short and long-term effect of income inequality on economic performance, Master in Economic Development and Growth,.School of Economics and Management. Lund University.
- Felicio, L. (2017), Portugal exergy accounting, past and future, Master in Environmental Engineering , Tecnico, University of Lisbon, second supervisor.
- Janson, E (2016). Crises and their impact on the energy system 1900-2013, Master in Economic Growth, Innovation and Spatial Dynamics, School of Economics and Management. Lund University.
- Axelsson, M. (2016) What are the key drivers of CO2 emissions in Denmark from 1980 to 2012? A decomposition using an LMDI approach, Master in Economic Growth, Innovation and Spatial Dynamics, School of Economics and Management. Lund University.
- Demeke Gebremariam, N. (2016), Examining the impact of driving factors of Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions using the STIRPAT model: The case of Ethiopia, Master in Economic Development and Growth, School of Economics and Management. Lund University.