I have been teaching the following courses at FEP since 2021-2022:
Economic History, Bachelor in Economics ( Lecturer since 2021-2022, course organizer & course development 2022-2023 and 2023-2024), 1st year, 2nd semester. Lectures in PT and EN., 350- 400 students.
Energy Economics & Policy, Master in Environmental Economics & Management,(Course Organizer & course development since 2022-2023), 1st year, 1st semester, Evening classes, Lectures in PT, c. 30-50 students.
Economics Seminar, Bachelor in Economics, 3rd year, 1st semester ( Lecturer since 2022-2023), EN & PT. Supervising group work & lecturing on research design, groups of c. 20 students per supervisor.
Seminars II, Master in Economics, FEP, University of Porto, Course organizer& development (2021-2022) & member of the organizing commitee (since 2021-2022), EN & PT, c 50-70 students. See gallery 2022/2023 .
Portuguese and European Economy, Bachelor in Economics, FEP, University of Porto, Lecturer (2022-2023), Lectures in PT.
I have taught the following courses at other universities:
Energy Transitions, Innovation and Trade, Master Level, guest lecturer, LUSEM Lund University, 2022-2023
Energy, Innovation and Sustainability, Master Level, Lecturer, LUSEM, Lund University, 2009 – 2012 and 2016-2018
Sustainable development: debates, theory and empirics, Bachelor Course, Lecturer, LUSEM, Lund University, 2016-2018.
Philosophy of science, Bachelor in Economics 2012 to 2014, Lecturer & Course development, Department of Business Economics & University of Southern Denmark,
Energy Security and Sustainability in a Larger Europe, lecturer, Joint Summer School University of California & Lund University, Summer 2008.